I've shown you how I use ChatGPT for show notes optimization but not blog posts yet. Jennay Horn, Content Director at We Edit Podcasts, wanted to get more comfortable with ChatGPT for this purpose, so I just had to invite her on the show to do this together. You can listen to the full episode below, check out our sexy prompt chaining, and/or read the podcast transcript. And remember, you can come on the show just like Jennay did, to work on a specific podcast messaging task. Listen to the conversation here:Jennay's info: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennay-horn-18a34220b Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenamber27 We Edit Podcasts: https://weeditpodcasts.com/ Here's our sexy prompt chaining: be jealous cause you should be!Take note of how much more specific and useful the output gets as our prompts get more specific. Sometimes we have to get crap output (output #2 below) in order to get clear on what we really want to know. Prompt #1: I'm an SEO specialist. I need you to tell me 20 blog post hashtags specifically for people who are looking to get into remote work or ones who are about to start a remote work job and need the special tips for how to make remote work work for them. Output #1: RemoteWork, WorkFromHome, RemoteJobs, DigitalNomad, RemoteLife, WFH, RemoteCareer, RemoteWorkTips, HomeOffice, RemoteWorkLifestyle, RemoteWorkSuccess, FreelanceLife, RemoteProductivity, VirtualTeam, RemoteJobSearch, RemoteWorkHacks, WorkLifeBalance, RemoteWorkSetup, RemoteWorker, RemoteWorkCommunity 😳 For more AI and Podcasting tips and info, check out the AI and Podcasting newsletter. aiandpodcasting.substack.com/😳 Prompt #2: or other blog posts that are covering the same topic, what keywords are they using to rank for, or what keywords are they ranking with? Output #2:
Prompt #3: Could you please list the top 5 blog posts that are currently ranking for this topic? Output #3: Here are five top-ranking blog posts about remote work tips for 2024:
Full transcript: Created by AI, edited by Steph
Steph: Yes. Welcome to another episode of AI and podcasting. And you may have noticed that it's not just chatty with me today. We have Janae with us. Hi, Janae. Jennay: Hi, Steph. How are you doing? Steph: I'm doing good. So, Janae, can you tell us real quick what you do in the podcasting space? Jennay: I am the Content Director for a company called We Edit Podcasts. We edit podcasts and we do all kinds of podcast production, from video podcasts to audio podcasts and all. Everything behind the scenes. And my responsibility is to kind of run the blog, run social media captions, any sort of content, any sort of copy that needs to be done, I will be doing that. Steph: Jennay wants to talk about how to get keywords for the blog post that she's writing. Let's do this. I thought it might be kind of fun to use the voice feature that I've used on some of the episodes on the phone. So I have asked Jennay to download the app, and we're going to do that. Tell me more about the blog post. Again, it's about remote work, right? Jennay: Yes. So I'd love to write a blog post about remote work specifically for people looking to get into remote work or perhaps starting a new job in remote work. And just some insider tips on how to really make remote work work for you. Steph Okay, so you're going to remember that part. Here's the over on the right, in the private chat, there's the beginning of the prompt. And then what exactly you just said will be the end of the prompt. Jennay: Let's hope I can remember that. Steph Well, you've got it in your mind, so you'll remember that. And I specifically said, I need you to tell me 20 blog post hashtags specifically for people who. I'm telling it. How many? Because it could tell you, like, two, or it could tell you 500. So you really want to give it some parameters, because, chatty, sometimes it's that person that talks for, like, 20 minutes when you wanted a yes or no. So you have to give it those parameters. Jennay: Yeah. Hello, what's up? I'm an SEO specialist. I need you to tell me 20 blog post hashtags specifically for people who are looking to get into remote work or ones who are about to start a remote work job and need the special tips for how to make remote work work for them. Chatty (ChatGPT) Sure thing. Here are 20 hashtags for your blog posts about starting and succeeding in remote work. Remote work. Work from home, remote jobs. Digital Nomad, remote life. Steph Editing Steph here. I'm actually not going to leave in all of the information that Chatty gave us because listening to the 20 is a bit much. So I'll put it in the newsletter at AIandpodcasting.substack.com so if you want to see all the information, you can go there for the full text. All right, let's get back to the conversation. Chatty (ChatGPT) These should help your audience find useful tips and resources for their remote work journey. Jennay: Can you list those in one line with commas between them? Chatty (ChatGPT) Of course. Jennay: Okay. Chatty (ChatGPT) Here you go. Steph: Okay. You can x out of the chat area and can you see the, the test? So all the information is right there the whole time. We're doing this now. Jennay: Unbelievable. Steph: What questions do you have because she gave you information, how do we check if it's actually good? Like what questions do you have about that content? Jennay: That's a great question, I think. Is it possible to ask her other posts that are covering this sort of thing? Yeah, what are they looking for? Or what? Is that a possibility? Steph I love that. Go for it. Jennay: For other blog posts that are covering the same topic, what keywords are they using to rank for? Or what keywords are they ranking with? Chatty (ChatGPT) To find out what keywords other blog posts on remote work are ranking with, we can look at popular SEO tools and keyword research data. Common keywords typically include remote work tips, work from home jobs. Steph Okay, maybe a different prompt to use would be something like, can you list the top five blogs that live with this topic? Jennay: Could you please list the top five blog posts that are currently ranking for this topic? Steph That's a new sound. Chatty (ChatGPT) Here are five top ranking blog posts about remote work tips for 2024 one Hubstaff's this blog features a list of essential tips for remote workers, focusing on productivity, time management and work life balance. It also highlights tools and strategies to improve remote work efficiency. Two springworks blog this post provides a comprehensive guide to remote work. Steph Okay. And that is there. Jennay: Sorry. No, no, that's good to remember. I just. Sorry, I just enjoyed the five. Steph Yeah. Jennay: Very unsure. Steph And these glitches happen all the time. Chatty (ChatGPT) Please try again later. Steph Not sure which one is on the phone right now. There's two different versions. There's three actually. The four. There's 40 for omni and four. Four is paid. There isn't this rate limit on four, but with the other ones there is. They've just started to institute them, though. A couple of weeks ago. I didn't hit any of these. The good news is that all of the, like this chat, you can go back in on the upper left, there's like a menu thingy and you can see all of your previous chats and you can go back to any of these and continue the conversation later. So you can actually go back and ask that question later because there's the information in chat GPT is basically the collectivist, which means it's very biased and it's very, you have to kind of keep check on it. Like any research, you need to make sure it's like current, accurate, non prejudice, all the, all the things you have to check with people, you have to check with chat GPT because it comes from us. Jennay: But, yeah. Steph So what do you think? Is this different than how you were using chat GPT before? Jennay: The conversation part is such a game changer for me because I work so in my head. Yeah, quietly, and I'm used to that. And then I don't have that verbal thing. And I think that's what, what prompted me to start listening more and more to your show, but also just to connect with you on it, because just that thought of treating it like a brainstorming buddy, as much as I was doing that in the written form, that verbal sort of communication sparks something else. When you hear your question asked back in your, you know, you know what I mean? It's not only in my head now I'm hearing what I'm saying. I'm like, oh, I can refine. Oh, I can refine it. That's a great idea. Let me change that. So that has been, yeah, my mind is just like buzzing with like all the avenues that I can run with this. So. Yeah, exactly. Steph: I've used it for coaching sessions for my business. I've used it for, I mean, again, check everything, like, yes, verify, blah, blah, blah, that kind of thing. Like ideas for social media posts, for my podcasts. Not really for my podcast. I have too many ideas for those. But I mean, for so many different things, I'll go in there for like vacation ideas and locations and things. I mean, just ridiculous amounts of different things. And the voice area. Last week I had, I was making this course and I had it all outlined, but I just couldn't sit down and start writing the different bits of it. And so I. Why do I have to. And I literally sat down with my phone and just started talking and asking, because you can ask it to ask you questions, like, you can say in one of your prompts, okay, when we, after you reply, ask me if I'm ready for the next question. And so you can go back and forth on that thing, and then when. Jennay: You say, yes, yeah. Steph Then you can go forward, because, again, Chatty just goes, then says too much, so you have to kind of slow her down. But yes. And it was a game changer. I got the whole thing outlined. I still haven't written it yet, but I have it in that chat, and I need to drag it over to the thing and actually publish it. But it was done. It took, like, maybe an hour total. And this amazing back and forth conversation, which I would have taken me so much longer just in text because voice is so much easier. Jennay: And again, I'm technically, like, on paper, introverted, so working remotely works super well for me. But I love corporate or collaborative work. I love it. And that's what you miss when you don't have someone sitting next to you or someone on a team that you can chat to. And so I think that's what just, like, got a twinkle in my eye when I started hearing the how are you using it? Because it's somebody that you can chat to, and also you can make them become the counterpart that you need to refine your ideas. You know? So it's not just you being shared back to you, it's somebody else bringing another perspective. And you miss that when you're on your own. Steph Yeah. Jennay: And it's so important to have that brain, because even sometimes I'll write some, ask for a prompt, and then I'll be like, that's not at all what I wanted. What I actually wanted was this. And it sparks me in the direction that I wanted to go. And I love that idea of how to use it. I love it. Steph Yay. I'm so glad. And like I said, because you can go back to any of the chats as long as you don't delete them. If you have an idea a day later, you can go back to the. And continue, and it's like, nothing. Jennay: Which is amazing, because my brain can't do that. Steph Me neither. I'm like, where am I? I have to find that. I can't remember, you know, how often. Jennay As a little rabbit hole, so often when I'm, particularly when I'm putting the newsletter together, I'll. I need a flow for the newsletter. I love newsletter writing, but I often need that spark to get me going. It'll be a. It'll be a line. It was the same when I'd write place. It would be one line, and it would send me off in the direction. Yep. Often for the newsletter, I'll have that idea and I'll be like, oh, I'll remember this tomorrow. When I've set aside time to remember it, my brain thought, it'll remember it. Steph Yeah. Now gone. Gone. Jennay: And the fact that they can just pick up any conversation, chatty can pick up any conversation that we've had and just carry on as if we never did it. Amazing. Steph Yeah, no, it's fantastic. And if you need a little bit, like you were talking about, like, I've literally put whole show notes in there and been like, I need a bad dad joke for the end. Can you help me with this? And the funniest stuff comes, I mean, sometimes it's gibberish, but the funniest stuff comes out and I'm like, that one works. Or I'm like, no, try another, try another, try another. Because it's not a person. So you can, like, push it as much as you want, as long as you don't hit the rate limit and you get more ideas coming out and. Jennay: Yeah, and there's also just that spark of your own creativity because again, it, it just, you need that sometimes to, like, have that back and forth. I love, I love that. I love the banter. I love that. Steph Yeah. Jennay: Collaboration. And so that's something that you do miss. So I'm excited to. Steph I love it. I do have to know, though, that the voice function on the. At least on three, five and 40 on the web version is nothing like this. It's much. There's one voices versus picking the voices that you have on the mobile app. So it's not as good. I don't know about four yet, because I haven't ventured out that way yet, but on the free versions, it's horrible on the. Jennay: Okay. It's good to know. Steph: Yes, on the phone, it's so good. Jennay: But also. But again, on the phone is where you have those bright ideas. It's not when you often. It's not when you're sitting. Yeah, and I get it. And also, then you can at least be doing this and. No, so that'll work. That'll. I'm going to deep dive. Awesome. Steph Well, I look forward to hear, hearing about the different things that you do and when, if you hit a really good conversation with chatty and you put it on LinkedIn, please do, like, tag me and all that kind of good stuff. Jennay: I will, with pleasure. I'm very excited to dive into it. I really. Yes. I think it's just going to be such a. Bring almost a brightness and it's like getting a new colleague that you're really excited to work with, or a new. Steph Pad of paper or like a pen or pencil. Jennay: The notebook is going to change everything. You know that notebook? Yes. I've got a few. Steph I do. I have one right here. Jennay: But I was very good this year. I picked one. Picked one. Steph There you go. So tell people where they can find this writing that you are doing for we edit. Jennay: I will. You can find it on the We Edit podcast blog. It's called the Podcast Digest, and you can find it on the website. Weeditpodcasts.com. Steph If you want help with your AI experiments, please do reach out to me at coffeelikemedia.com. I do sessions like this both for the podcast and individually, if you'd like to do it in private. Again, coffeelikemedia.com. And of course, the podcast is AIandpodcasting.substack.com you can find all the stuff there in the newsletter, as well as find it on any of the apps and on YouTube because I insist on be
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